Posts tagged ‘video artist’

∞ Open Studio 20. okt. 2019 ∞

Shaman series#No.2

Shaman series#No.2

Open Studio 20. okt. 2019, 12-17
Åpne atelier Østfold 2019
søndag 20. oktober kl. 12-17

Helene Torp Studio
Ferjestedsveien 5, 2d floor
(Østfold Kunstsenter)
1606 Fredrikstad
mob. 0047 41656620

Drawings, Sound, Paintings, Essences

For fjerde gang arrangerer ØKS «ÅPNE ATELIER ØSTFOLD». Kunstnere fra hele fylket inviterer publikum inn i sine atelierer og verksteder. Her kan du oppleve kunst før den tar veien ut i gallerier, museer og det offentlige rom, og se hvordan kunstnerens arbeidsplass fungerer. En gylden mulighet til å få et innblikk i hva som rører seg i Østfolds kunstliv!

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Roots Bloody Roots

Live performance based on the song Roots Bloody Roots by Sepultura.
Explores the expanded field of meditation and metal music. Honouring our relationship and dark raw sides.Recorded livestream.
By Helene Torp and Lars Kenneth Westby
© Soundtrack is used for artistic purposes only

Fredslilje, Spathiphyllum alana

Fredslilje, Spathiphyllum alana
Dette er mitt møte med og en hyllest til Fredsliljen. En dag jeg kom på ateliet lå den helt nede. Halvdød, men ikke vissen. Jeg hadde glemt den helt. Ikke har jeg byttet jord på den på mange år heller. Jeg vannet og snakket med den. Kom tilbake noen dager etterpå og den var helt oppreist. Det sier mye om dens kvaliteter. Den tilgir for dårlig stell og reiser seg på en måte som vi mennesker bare kan drømme om. Det er en vanlig stueplante. Eller jeg føler den er en hyllest til de som har reist i krig og valgt fred, som flyktninger på reise og har fått det godt i seg selv eller på nye steder.

Spathiphyllum alana
This is my meeting with and a tribute to the plant called Peace Lily. One day I got to the studio it looked dead. Half dead, but not the done. I had forgotten it completely. I have not put new potting soil for it for many years either. I watered and talked with it. Came back a few days afterwards and it was completely alive. It says a lot about its qualities. It forgives for bad care and rises in a way that we humans can only dream of. It is a common living plant. Or I feel it is a tribute to those who have traveled in war and chose peace, as refugees traveling and have done well in themselves or in new places in a strange way.

Public art

“LoveSplash LightLove”

Ink drawings, perplex frame. Torp & Liseth 2013

In relation to the exhibition Lovesplash Lightlove, we made a serie of round perplex mounted ink-drawings. We would like to have the opportunity to develop this “splash” of drawings for a specific site.

View the drawings for the exhibition HERE1461138_325629047579343_1244079976_n

“Endless Love“

Idea for wallpainting, Torp & Liseth 2013

Competition proposal for a hospital chapel / Konkurranse utkast for kapellet, Nytt sykehus Østfold.

View more HERE



Video animation, Oslo Central station, Helene Torp 2008

The film won the competition, “Privatlivets Fred” (Private Life), and was shown at Oslo Central station (Oct/Nov 2008), initiated by Koro (Public Art Norway), the Data Inspectorate and Rom for kunst Mesen.

View more HERE112a1307

Flower Wisdom by Helene Torp

Whispers and wonders from Mother Earth
“Art is a kind of first aid kit and a flower medicine. It heals,but it does not cover up the wounds” Rituals, performance and handcrafted flower essences for emotional healing.
-an ongoing project

I think we humans and animals have an opportunity to listen to nature’s very own characteristics. It is my own experience, but it requires a distinctive listening and trust that this listening is connected with nature and not just an expression of a mental force, a will, even if that force is a part of getting art and the remedies out in the world. I call it first-hand experience. The part of us who can put us in a state, where deep listening to nature is possible. I sit down by the flower or the bush, after a few hours or days of preparation in the spirit, I record og write down what I hear.

Helene Torp

Othocallis siberica
"It is all Forgiven"
Origin Syria, Irak and South of Russia.

“After flowering, the inflorescence sets on the ground with seeds that have an oily pendant. Ants love these seeds and drag them away and eat them. In this way the seeds are spread further. “

Everything is forgiven, future, past, present. This plant carries unity between cultures in the past, present and future time. Othocallis siberica is here to raise peace frequencies on the earth. It can be used for peace work in our time both personal or bigger wars.

Scilla sibirica

Scilla sibirica

Ribes Sanguineum
"Deeper Lasting Love"

“Trauma brought me here, the pain took me there, the shit took me here, blame and charges brought me here, my victim took me here, the courage took me here. I got hurt. I could not see myself in you, like the other, and not as one as part of myself. That you are you and I am me. That love is created from within in a center of stability and some of lasting value. The very self-love. ”

The plant is originally from the coastal area of North America ,
the current British Columbia, Washington , Oregon,
Idaho and California in the US and Canada

Ribes sanguineum © HeleneTorp & width=

Ribes sanguineum ©Helene Torp

I have 18 essences in my series. Please contact me for more information.

Laboratories of Helene Torp ©
22 th of april
9. lab8. Making

Faith, hope and honesty

FAITH, HOPE AND HONESTY Helene Torp © 2015

Faith, hope and honesty deals with love at a really high – and low – level. We meet Jens and Lena, who know the art of war. Primitive and highly complex conversations occur. when ego meets reality.It deals with power, knowledge and manners and a strong resentment, antipathy when the ego meets reality.

The artist received a diploma and an honorary mention for scriptwriting from the Writers’ Guild of Norway for the norwegian version at the Norwegian Short Film Festival. It exhibited at Galleri F-15 and the annual Autumn Exhibition, Kunstneres Hus, OsloThe film is 23 min. long and the most comprehensive work Torp has made ​​to date.

For the norwegian version Torp received a diploma and an honorable mention from the Norwegian Dramatiker (playwriter) assosiation for screenwriting at the Norwegian short film Festival.  Premiere was at Gallery F-15 and National annual exhibition. Supported by the norwegian artist´s compensation fund and Norwegian Council and Østfold county / municipality of Fredrikstad.

Faith, Hope and Honesty © 

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Healers And Helpers

shaman-series-no-7  84 x 59 cm

Heavy Heaven

Heavy Heaven by Helene Torp ©

HEAVY HEAVEN  Animation 6 minutes, HD, drawings,animations & music by Helene Torp © 2010

Made exclusively for Drawing Biennial 2010, curated by Susanne Altmann and Stefan Schroder. The film is about one a sentimental relation to a lost macho culture. Heavy Heaven is also a selection of the highlights of the Biennale and shown by Tegneforbundet autumn 2010. Year taken out to the main program at The norwegian national Short Film Festival  2011.

Supported by the Norwegian Council.


1-1-2 Tuning In From The Galaxy

112 Tuning In From The Galaxy – gallery installation view. Collaboration with hege Liseth.
1-1-2 Tuning In From The Galaxy deals with spirituality, the power of thought and ” the seeker ” who sees the world in a rather different way than mainstream.

The work displays a series of portraits of a woman in a daily life situation. Her name is Kari Hanne Nyland and she is a channel for spiritual energy and masters. She tells us she has chosen to use her life to spread the light and love of the world and raise the spirit in the collective field.

The work also consists of five soundstations, each with its own headset, and channeled symbols and texts drawn directly on the wall.

Special thanks to Kari Hanne Nyland, Bengt Svensson and Rita Edvardsen for their contribution.

“Channeling … collective term for it to receive messages from another dimension or another real light level. Channeled message to be understood often as important knowledge transfers from beings with great insight into the factors that are hidden from ordinary people , especially to susceptible individuals. … The channeled knowledge can come from many sources … It may be knowledge from the Akashic Chronicle , a higher spiritual being or a deceased person ( spiritualism ). Messages can also come from guardian angels, entities in nature or the captain of a UFO. Kil – they are: Norwegian Encyclopedia, online edition.

Soundtrack: Lyshjelpere Fra En Annen Galakse 1:30 min (Helpers Of Light From Another Galaxy, for now the soundtrack is in Nourwegian only)

Channeling, sound & drawings: Kari Hanne Nyland[/bscolumns][bscolumns][/bscolumns]





Photo: Bengt Svensson