Posts tagged ‘videoart’

Noisy Prayer exhibition view

Exhibition – Galleri Vulkan September 6-21

“Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various remedies that relate to each other in a playful way.

Power to live In a modern world, Almost There, Into The Sun, Entering With Sound, Sounds Of Mother Earth

Installation view:

Noisy Prayer exhibition view Exhibition in collaboration with Hege Liseth. Galleri Vulkan, Oslo

“Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world.

The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various. The alternation between individual works relate to each other in a playful way and reveal different parts of the story. The paintings and drawings, all performative elements and expression of the movement of energy. To activate and set things in motion are articulated in different ways. Organic, fluid and abstract elements mix with simple line configurations where fantasy and reality are put under the microscope. All are products of the intuitive processes, most first take. Sound work also appears as a “stream of consiousness” with conversations in nature and with energies and intangible forces. A collection of self-produced remedies blends into the installation with message of strength and power to live in a modern world. Through video works, both documentary and staged elements, of what spiritual practice might be. One of the videos are taken from YouTube and shows Mooji ,a spiritual leader based in Portugal, who shares his thoughts on the Middle East problem, on about war, peace and human identity. Do we fight for peace? Torp & Liseth invited various people to participate with their comments and dialogue on peace.

“Noisy Prayer” utforsker metafysiske virkelighetsbilder med ulike innfallsvinkler til en ikke-fysisk/ åndelig verden.

Vekslingen mellom enkeltverk i ulike kunstneriske media er montert på en leken måte som forteller hver sin del av historien. Maleriene og tegningene har alle performative elementer og uttrykk for bevegelse av energi. Å aktivere, og å sette ting i bevegelse blir tematisert på ulike måter. Avtrykk av fingre gir nærvær og tilstedeværelse. Organiske, flytende og abstrakte elementer blander seg med enkle strekfigurasjoner hvor fantasi og virkelighet blir satt under lupen. Alle er produkter av intuitive arbeidsprosesser, mest mulig uredigert, som energibærere i seg selv. Lydarbeidene fremstår også som en “stream of consiousness”, med samtaler med naturen og med energier og immatrielle krefter. En samling egenproduserte blomsteressenser blandes inn i installasjonen med budskap og styrkedråper fra naturen. Gjennom videoarbeidene vises dokumentariske og iscenesatte elementer av hva spirituell praksis kan innebære. Et av videoverkene er hentet fra YouTube og viser en åndelig guru som deler sine tanker om midtøsten-problematikken, om krig, fred og menneskets identitet. Verket blir brukt som utgangspunkt for en dialog hvor kunstnerne har invitert ulike mennesker til å delta med sine kommentarer.

View the singular works in the exhibition here:

Heavy Heaven

Heavy Heaven by Helene Torp ©

HEAVY HEAVEN  Animation 6 minutes, HD, drawings,animations & music by Helene Torp © 2010

Made exclusively for Drawing Biennial 2010, curated by Susanne Altmann and Stefan Schroder. The film is about one a sentimental relation to a lost macho culture. Heavy Heaven is also a selection of the highlights of the Biennale and shown by Tegneforbundet autumn 2010. Year taken out to the main program at The norwegian national Short Film Festival  2011.

Supported by the Norwegian Council.


Into The Sun

Into The Sun 06


Into The Sun

Hd, 33 min. sound, collaboration Helene Torp & Hege Liseth © 2015

Director, script and editing, sound: Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

About the film :

Into The Sun relating to metaphysics and the theory that every moment is a new reality.
This is a conversation between two artists where reality and fantasy merge . Explores concepts like infinity, freedom of titles and society as a miniature world.
The recordings are done first take and it is placed on an uncensored version in which it strongly alternates between intellect and emotions , abstractions and concrete reality where the artist represents the transition between the different realities and shift between them. Alchemy. Power to live in a modern world.

Om filmen:
Into The Sun relaterer seg til metafysikken og teorien om at hvert øyeblikk er en ny virkelighet.Dette er en samtale mellom to kunstnere hvor virkelighet og fantasi smelter sammen. Her utforskes begreper som uendelighet, frihet fra titler, samfunnet som en miniatyrverden.

Opptakene er gjort first take og det er lagt vekt på en usensurert versjon hvor det sterkt veksler mellom intellektet og følelser, abstraksjoner og konkret virkelighet hvor kunstneren representerer overgangen mellom de ulike virkelighetene og skiftet mellom de.

Language, norwegian.

English subtitles

The film is available for viewing on request.

Exhibition – Galleri Vulkan September 6-21 2014

Helene Torp & Hege Liseth “Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various remedies that relate to each other in a playful way.

Power to live In a modern world, Almost There, Into The Sun, Entering With Sound, Sounds Of Mother Earth



Collections from films

I Give Birth To Aliens Helene Torp ©

I Give Birth To Aliens
Helene Torp ©

Early works

Here is a collection of my early video works 1997-2001


Walk by Helene Torp ©

Walk by Helene Torp ©

Title: Walk
SD video, Helene Torp © 2000
A meditative walk and restless feelings. Where needs and wanting meets. Exhibited at Uks, Oslo, Norwegian filmfestival.





32 sec. Helene Torp ©

Title: 32 sec. Helene Torp © 2001
32. sec videoart. Soundtrack from a traditional norwegian chant meets forbinnen love. One of my early performative videos. First shown at Norwegian Shortfilm festival 2001 and gay and lesbian filmestival in Oslo. Review published in Z film magazine.



The Sun
5 min. Helene Torp © 2001
I had this idea about mixing traditional chanting (often of religious content) with an erotic play to see the contrast. I planned to make a series of this works after art school. Maybe I will refresh the norwegian moral traditions later on…



Applause © Helene Torp

Applause © Helene Torp

Title: Applause (for butterflies) © 1999 Helene Torp SD, b/h, mute, 3 min./loop. Premiere at Norwegian film festival year 2000. Stills and review published in Z film magazine.




Title: I Want To Share My Art With Mom. SD, Dual projection. © 2000 Portrait of my mother and I. I asked my mother to smile for 5 min. Can feelings changed from subtle to mechanic?      And what does it look like?

I will soon update with more videos from my early years.

Lovesplash Lightlove

LoveSplash LightLove – ink on paper
by Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

n the exhibition L o v e s p l a s h L i g h t l o v e we conduct our respective oeuvre into a common world and it is difficult to say who did what in the works. We open up to share freely of each other’s ideas – mine are yours, and “I am you”. Through the artistic practice we question ownership. Identity through ownership is being challenged by the exchange and trust. Our artistic practice deals with the idea of going from the head to the heart, therefore we have called the exhibition Love Splash light love, since it is both physical (splash), uplifting, humorous and positively loaded.
From the press release: In this collaborative project Torp & Liseth were inspired by each other’s previous work, and a genuine fused world and a new universe has arisen. Paintings and drawings with colorful occult and an spiritual environment, where fantasy and reality are put under the microscope. The work has all performative elements. Movement of energy – expression to set things in motion are articulated in different ways. Hege Liseth and Helene Torp have both background in animation, and the paintings could be read as extensions of each other when the visual elements move from frame to frame. The paintings are inspired by the mandala tradition of moving outward and inward a unifying center. Organic and liquid with a theme that not only amazes but questioning the mundane and rational environment as we know it. The work bears the stamp of play, curiosity and craftsmanship skills to the medium.

1-1-2 Tuning In From The Galaxy

112 Tuning In From The Galaxy – gallery installation view. Collaboration with hege Liseth.
1-1-2 Tuning In From The Galaxy deals with spirituality, the power of thought and ” the seeker ” who sees the world in a rather different way than mainstream.

The work displays a series of portraits of a woman in a daily life situation. Her name is Kari Hanne Nyland and she is a channel for spiritual energy and masters. She tells us she has chosen to use her life to spread the light and love of the world and raise the spirit in the collective field.

The work also consists of five soundstations, each with its own headset, and channeled symbols and texts drawn directly on the wall.

Special thanks to Kari Hanne Nyland, Bengt Svensson and Rita Edvardsen for their contribution.

“Channeling … collective term for it to receive messages from another dimension or another real light level. Channeled message to be understood often as important knowledge transfers from beings with great insight into the factors that are hidden from ordinary people , especially to susceptible individuals. … The channeled knowledge can come from many sources … It may be knowledge from the Akashic Chronicle , a higher spiritual being or a deceased person ( spiritualism ). Messages can also come from guardian angels, entities in nature or the captain of a UFO. Kil – they are: Norwegian Encyclopedia, online edition.

Soundtrack: Lyshjelpere Fra En Annen Galakse 1:30 min (Helpers Of Light From Another Galaxy, for now the soundtrack is in Nourwegian only)

Channeling, sound & drawings: Kari Hanne Nyland[/bscolumns][bscolumns][/bscolumns]





Photo: Bengt Svensson


Healers And Helpers Of All Kinds “Healers and helpers of all kinds” I go on a trip into space, In nature, I meet some animals or play with a world,In That world I can shape and move past, present and future. I do not know what’s true or not, honesty. Art is a way to survive, it gives me access to infinite space of conversations with the world. I want to awake a wonder or inspiration for you to live on earth too. Art is a kind of first aid kit and a medicine, It heals,but it does not cover up the wounds”

I update this web page continually. Contact me for available works.
