Posts tagged ‘short film’

Being God

Title: Being God

An ongoing project

Being God is a series of videos about people who dive into the oceans of the mystic, climb mountains to see the “big” picture.  The films are both documentary and staged, beautiful, disturbing close-ups. This is our celebration of people who search for inner peace by taking back their own power in search for an honest and real life.
Being God
Hd video, 1 min pilot. skisse

Filmen er under produksjon i manus og research fase.
40 min. basert på film råmateriale, tegninger, lydopptak.
Teknikk: animasjon, dokumentariske og iscenesatte deler.
Being God handler om det moderne menneskets søken etter et meningsfullt liv. Dette er en reise til outsideren som veksler mellom opplysthet, psykoser og andre dimensjoner. Tar for seg viktige problemstillinger i forhold til psykisk sykdom i samfunnet og forskning på hjernen.
Basert på film råmateriale, tegninger, lydopptak.
Teknikk: animasjon, dokumentariske og iscenesatte deler.


Into The Sun

Into The Sun 06


Into The Sun

Hd, 33 min. sound, collaboration Helene Torp & Hege Liseth © 2015

Director, script and editing, sound: Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

About the film :

Into The Sun relating to metaphysics and the theory that every moment is a new reality.
This is a conversation between two artists where reality and fantasy merge . Explores concepts like infinity, freedom of titles and society as a miniature world.
The recordings are done first take and it is placed on an uncensored version in which it strongly alternates between intellect and emotions , abstractions and concrete reality where the artist represents the transition between the different realities and shift between them. Alchemy. Power to live in a modern world.

Om filmen:
Into The Sun relaterer seg til metafysikken og teorien om at hvert øyeblikk er en ny virkelighet.Dette er en samtale mellom to kunstnere hvor virkelighet og fantasi smelter sammen. Her utforskes begreper som uendelighet, frihet fra titler, samfunnet som en miniatyrverden.

Opptakene er gjort first take og det er lagt vekt på en usensurert versjon hvor det sterkt veksler mellom intellektet og følelser, abstraksjoner og konkret virkelighet hvor kunstneren representerer overgangen mellom de ulike virkelighetene og skiftet mellom de.

Language, norwegian.

English subtitles

The film is available for viewing on request.

Lovesplash Lightlove

LoveSplash LightLove – ink on paper
by Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

n the exhibition L o v e s p l a s h L i g h t l o v e we conduct our respective oeuvre into a common world and it is difficult to say who did what in the works. We open up to share freely of each other’s ideas – mine are yours, and “I am you”. Through the artistic practice we question ownership. Identity through ownership is being challenged by the exchange and trust. Our artistic practice deals with the idea of going from the head to the heart, therefore we have called the exhibition Love Splash light love, since it is both physical (splash), uplifting, humorous and positively loaded.
From the press release: In this collaborative project Torp & Liseth were inspired by each other’s previous work, and a genuine fused world and a new universe has arisen. Paintings and drawings with colorful occult and an spiritual environment, where fantasy and reality are put under the microscope. The work has all performative elements. Movement of energy – expression to set things in motion are articulated in different ways. Hege Liseth and Helene Torp have both background in animation, and the paintings could be read as extensions of each other when the visual elements move from frame to frame. The paintings are inspired by the mandala tradition of moving outward and inward a unifying center. Organic and liquid with a theme that not only amazes but questioning the mundane and rational environment as we know it. The work bears the stamp of play, curiosity and craftsmanship skills to the medium.