Shaman series#,
acrylic on paper, 69 X 84 cm
To Those who act intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual, divining the hidden wisdom.
First I thought it was my demons,then they started to talk and said “We are healers and helpers of all kinds”. In darkness, in pain.
Faith, hope and honesty (23. min. videoanimation) at the VideoDrunk festival i Toronto, Canada 2015
Read about and see my film here!
Exhibition – Galleri Vulkan September 6-21
“Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various remedies that relate to each other in a playful way.
Power to live In a modern world, Almost There, Into The Sun, Entering With Sound, Sounds Of Mother Earth
Installation view:
Noisy Prayer exhibition view Exhibition in collaboration with Hege Liseth. Galleri Vulkan, Oslo
“Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world.
The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various. The alternation between individual works relate to each other in a playful way and reveal different parts of the story. The paintings and drawings, all performative elements and expression of the movement of energy. To activate and set things in motion are articulated in different ways. Organic, fluid and abstract elements mix with simple line configurations where fantasy and reality are put under the microscope. All are products of the intuitive processes, most first take. Sound work also appears as a “stream of consiousness” with conversations in nature and with energies and intangible forces. A collection of self-produced remedies blends into the installation with message of strength and power to live in a modern world. Through video works, both documentary and staged elements, of what spiritual practice might be. One of the videos are taken from YouTube and shows Mooji ,a spiritual leader based in Portugal, who shares his thoughts on the Middle East problem, on about war, peace and human identity. Do we fight for peace? Torp & Liseth invited various people to participate with their comments and dialogue on peace.
“Noisy Prayer” utforsker metafysiske virkelighetsbilder med ulike innfallsvinkler til en ikke-fysisk/ åndelig verden.
Vekslingen mellom enkeltverk i ulike kunstneriske media er montert på en leken måte som forteller hver sin del av historien. Maleriene og tegningene har alle performative elementer og uttrykk for bevegelse av energi. Å aktivere, og å sette ting i bevegelse blir tematisert på ulike måter. Avtrykk av fingre gir nærvær og tilstedeværelse. Organiske, flytende og abstrakte elementer blander seg med enkle strekfigurasjoner hvor fantasi og virkelighet blir satt under lupen. Alle er produkter av intuitive arbeidsprosesser, mest mulig uredigert, som energibærere i seg selv. Lydarbeidene fremstår også som en “stream of consiousness”, med samtaler med naturen og med energier og immatrielle krefter. En samling egenproduserte blomsteressenser blandes inn i installasjonen med budskap og styrkedråper fra naturen. Gjennom videoarbeidene vises dokumentariske og iscenesatte elementer av hva spirituell praksis kan innebære. Et av videoverkene er hentet fra YouTube og viser en åndelig guru som deler sine tanker om midtøsten-problematikken, om krig, fred og menneskets identitet. Verket blir brukt som utgangspunkt for en dialog hvor kunstnerne har invitert ulike mennesker til å delta med sine kommentarer.
View the singular works in the exhibition here:
HEAVY HEAVEN Animation 6 minutes, HD, drawings,animations & music by Helene Torp © 2010
Made exclusively for Drawing Biennial 2010, curated by Susanne Altmann and Stefan Schroder. The film is about one a sentimental relation to a lost macho culture. Heavy Heaven is also a selection of the highlights of the Biennale and shown by Tegneforbundet autumn 2010. Year taken out to the main program at The norwegian national Short Film Festival 2011.
Supported by the Norwegian Council.
Video animation, Oslo Central station, Helene Torp 2008
Friends (Venner) is a video animation consisting of simple drawings
and short everyday messages, where the content and form appear as a wonderful mix of public and private life. The artist examines how the abbreviated language of texts, Facebook and advertising infiltrates other communication. “Friends” walks a tightrope between
humour and an underlying serious message. In a world where a wrong keystroke can broadcast the most intimate details it is easy for the results to become confusing. The film is clever, playful and accessible. From the jury statmente. Curated by Rom for kunst
The film won the competition, “Privatlivets Fred” (Private Life),
and was shown at Oslo Central station (Oct/Nov 2008), initiated by Koro (Public Art Norway), the Data Inspectorate and Rom for kunst Mesen.
Jury: Georg Apenes, Datatilsynet, Trude Talberg-Furulund, Datatilsynet, Vibeke Christensen, Kulturbyrået Mesén, Ketil Nergaard, billedkunstner, oppnevnt av KORO, Yngvild Færøy, kunstnerisk konsulent og juryleder, oppnevnt av KORO
Into The Sun
Hd, 33 min. sound, collaboration Helene Torp & Hege Liseth © 2015
Director, script and editing, sound: Helene Torp & Hege Liseth
About the film :
Into The Sun relating to metaphysics and the theory that every moment is a new reality.
This is a conversation between two artists where reality and fantasy merge . Explores concepts like infinity, freedom of titles and society as a miniature world.
The recordings are done first take and it is placed on an uncensored version in which it strongly alternates between intellect and emotions , abstractions and concrete reality where the artist represents the transition between the different realities and shift between them. Alchemy. Power to live in a modern world.
Om filmen:
Into The Sun relaterer seg til metafysikken og teorien om at hvert øyeblikk er en ny virkelighet.Dette er en samtale mellom to kunstnere hvor virkelighet og fantasi smelter sammen. Her utforskes begreper som uendelighet, frihet fra titler, samfunnet som en miniatyrverden.
Opptakene er gjort first take og det er lagt vekt på en usensurert versjon hvor det sterkt veksler mellom intellektet og følelser, abstraksjoner og konkret virkelighet hvor kunstneren representerer overgangen mellom de ulike virkelighetene og skiftet mellom de.
Language, norwegian.
English subtitles
The film is available for viewing on request.
Exhibition – Galleri Vulkan September 6-21 2014
Helene Torp & Hege Liseth “Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various remedies that relate to each other in a playful way.
Power to live In a modern world, Almost There, Into The Sun, Entering With Sound, Sounds Of Mother Earth
Drawings as motion, energy and vision. Close, fragile. Bridge between spirit and science. Endless. Repeating itself in new beginning and endings. Reminding of the constant shift where noting stays the same outside time and space there are points of consciousness
Entering With Sound series 15 drawings, ink on paper. 76 x 56 cm, 56 x 38 cm, 52 x 38 cm
This is some of my most healing works ever. I hardly never allowed myself to make room for abstraction. I loved doing it. It was like meeting my best friend. I know it sounds naive and it is. The where made during a session, a meditation on silence and of course my interest for making animations. It was made during my collaboration with Hege Liseth. This was made in a deep inner state of nothingness, a connection to a source with less noise but still movement. It is not a personal space. It is an endless deeper state of being where nothing is judged or desperate wantings. I later found the sutras and poetry of E.Tolle and his book, Silence speaks. I could feel a strong connection to. Our practice was daily meditations and to make art both together and side by side. Come listen. Silence do speak. This is a part of my ongoing practice as an artist.