Posts by Helene Torp

Heavy Heaven

Heavy Heaven by Helene Torp ©

HEAVY HEAVEN  Animation 6 minutes, HD, drawings,animations & music by Helene Torp © 2010

Made exclusively for Drawing Biennial 2010, curated by Susanne Altmann and Stefan Schroder. The film is about one a sentimental relation to a lost macho culture. Heavy Heaven is also a selection of the highlights of the Biennale and shown by Tegneforbundet autumn 2010. Year taken out to the main program at The norwegian national Short Film Festival  2011.

Supported by the Norwegian Council.



Sound Art 2014



SOUNDS OF MOTHER EARTH – Gallery Ruth Drive in – Sound Art 2014

This soundpiece is based upon Torp & Liseths own poems and a channeled recording with Kari – Hanne Nyland. The channeling came throug a spiritual session together. It expresses the sound og Mother Earth´s heart. This is a wounded earth talking. In this recording she shows her gratefullness to us humans for connecting with her and of being alive. Sounds Of Mother Earth is part of Torp & Liseth Cosmic Broadcasts series of sound and videoworks exploring the universe of people connecting on a multidimentional level through a spiritual practice.

Sounds Of Mother Earth ,Torp & Liseth 2014

Documentation of the performance here: I am the Gallery  

 1.juni Drive In Galleri Sound Art opening

Sound Art 2014

Curated by Tulle Ruth

Karen Kipphoff, DE/CA,
Torp & Liseth, N
Trond Lossius, N
Joakim Blattman, N
Anna Hedberg, S
Kristine Marie Aasvang, N
Håvard Øieroset,N
Marianne Stranger, N
Kiwa Noid, Estonia





More info and sound about Sound Art 2014:


About the Galleri:

Galleri Ruth is situated in between the fields south of Oslo in Norway.

It started out in 2012 as a small contemporary indoor gallery and
served wind-powered waffles outside. In the summer months around
2500-3000 cars were passing the gallery each day and many did slow down
when they saw the windmill and the gallery – but they did not manage to
stop, get out the car and see the art.

In 2013 Galleri Ruth was transformed into a Drive In Sound Gallery. This
was an attempt to meet the need and interests of the car drivers and at
the same time make it easier to access contemporary sound art by having
the car as the gallery space in a beautiful remote and rural setting.

Best Practice

Best Practice                        by Helene Torp ©

Best Practice by Helene Torp ©

BEST PRACTICE  Script & animation and sound: Helene Torp

HD 2004-2005, 10 min.

The tyranny of efficiency and a competitive mentality were Helene Torp´s inspiration when making the animated film, Best practice, 2004-05, in which she deals with current lifestyle issues in a chaotic and massive propaganda-filled visual manner, with a strong focus on morals. The themes are taken from the invisible world and combined with experiences from life itself. ” Your thoughts swirl and suddenly truths from nowhere appear. Cold and confused you run home to work on your own karma and take a conscious decision in life. Is this life something I want to be a part of?”

The film was shown at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm as part of the Blick screening program, the Norwegian Short film festival, the annual national Autumn exhibition in Oslo and in a number of other places. The film was produced with the support of the norwegian Art Council.

The film is available for viewing! Enjoy!!

Norwegian version will soon be available for viewing!



(video 7.5 min. HD )

Cast:Linda Skaaret Director, script and editing, sound: Helene Torp

Portrait of ambitious Greta and inner drama and mental state shifting feelings of power, lust and idealism.

First shown at the Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art in 2011 Supported by the National cultural council.

Sabotage by Helene Torp ©

by Helene Torp ©

The full lenght film is available for viewing on request.See an 1.min. exerpt here:


Video animation,  Oslo Central station, Helene Torp 2008
Friends (Venner) is a video animation consisting of simple drawings
and short everyday messages, where the content and form appear as a wonderful mix of public and private life. The artist examines how the abbreviated language of texts, Facebook and advertising infiltrates other communication. “Friends” walks a tightrope between
humour and an underlying serious message. In a world where a wrong keystroke can broadcast the most intimate details it is easy for the results to become confusing. The film is clever, playful and accessible. From the jury statmente. Curated by Rom for kunst

You Play Dead

You Play Dead


The film won the competition, “Privatlivets Fred” (Private Life),
and was shown at Oslo Central station (Oct/Nov 2008), initiated by Koro (Public Art Norway), the Data Inspectorate and Rom for kunst Mesen.

Jury: Georg Apenes, Datatilsynet, Trude Talberg-Furulund, Datatilsynet, Vibeke Christensen, Kulturbyrået Mesén, Ketil Nergaard, billedkunstner, oppnevnt av KORO, Yngvild Færøy, kunstnerisk konsulent og juryleder, oppnevnt av KORO


Solo Exhibition New York 8. april 2015

Into The Sun



Torp & Liseth

Into The Sun

Multidimentional-grounding psykedelika-1.hand reality experience meets spiritual wisdom and  deep digging beyond the idea of separation. Explisit spiritual content from Torp & Liseth.

A practice with meditation, channeling and visionary work called Power To Live In A Modern World. Torp & Liseth explore the artist as shaman. A link between our world and a multidimentional ever shifting reality.

Video, drawing, text and painting.

Opening 8. april

Artifact, 84 Orchard St, New York

8.april – 23. april 2015

Do We Fight For Peace?

We investigate how to approach a world where we see that peace is possible. In this project we invite people to commune and share in the the artwork “Do we fight for peace?”

Yoko Ono uses the inspiring words “Imagine Peace” and “War Is Over If We Want It”. Is there really a chance we have in a world in constant war? Do we as individuals have influence above the world of war and peace?

We fill the gallery space with your, our and other people’s thoughts on this topic. Without making politics of art, we intend to inspire new perspectives and to promote and expand the idea beyond the conflict premise used in massmedia today. We see it as an exercise for ourselves “from ego to beingness” where everything is possible and where the difference is the choice of every human being.

We showed this project first time in the Noisy Prayer exhibition at Galleri Vulcan in Oslo, September 2014. 30 people contributed with texts on the topic. This is an ongoing project. We will continue to commune.

Do you have any thoughts, ideas, inspirations?

How do you think we could be the difference?

As a basis for the discussion, we have this time chosen to use a video of Mooji, a spiritual leader who takes up questions of identity and struggle. Here, he discusses human identity and how conflicts arise and can be dissolved. The video is intended as inspiration, regardless of any belief system or political views.

Full text from all contributors, september 2014 HERE

Video link Mooji: http://vimeo.com/103323348

Contributors September 2014:

Katrine Apspaas, David Tehrani, Tulle Ruth, Eli Rudshagen, Mona Sprenger, Steinar Bryn, Jan- Kåre Fjeld, Anders Eiebakke, Gunn Møller, Ambrika Christen, Reidun Haavik, Anniken Huitfelt, Camillo Løken, Synnøve Nuria Løken, Bengt Svensson, Katrine Lee Hauger, Kjersti Okkelmo, Ninni Brede Rossavik, Espen Grafitti, Rune Kreuz, Bodil Røvik-Larsen, Liv Børsand, Richard Dion, Wenke Anita Sele, Ebba Moi, Hilde Salvesen, Nina Sandaker-Wehn, Wenke Anita Sele.

Torp & Liseth © 2015

Do we fight for peace? Del 1. Nå er bilder og tekster lagt ut. 26 bidrag ble det til utstillingen Noisy Prayer i september. Her er det tekster som berører den delen av oss som er håpefull og kraftfull til endring og gjennomslag. Ansvar uten handlingslammelser. Takk til Kathrine AspaasLiv Børsand Anders Eiebakke  Ebba Moi Camillo Løken Anniken Huitfeldt, Espen Grafitti Wenke Anita Sele Bengt Svensson Bodil Røvik-Larsen Steinar Bryn, Reidun Haavik Nina Sandaker Wehn Katrine Legg Hauger  Eli Rudshagen  Mona Sprenger  Ninni Brede Rossavik  Rune Kreutz Richard Dion, Synnøve Nuria G Løken  Tulle Ruth  Gunn Møller  Hilde Salvesen Jan-Kåre Fjeld  David Tehrani  Ambika Christen  Kjersti Okkelmo som valgte å delta ta action og vise retning. Takk!! Del gjerne videre.Mvh;  Helene Torp &Hege Liseth i Torp & Liseth Alt materiale finner du her:


 Do we fight for peace? Part 1. Now, photographs and texts posted. 26 contributions were to exhibit Noisy Prayer in September.  Texts that touches the part of us that is hopeful and powerful to change and impact. Responsibility without action paralysis. Thanks to who chose to participate take action and show direction Kathrine Aspaas, Liv Børsand, Anders Eiebakke, Ebba Moi, Camillo Løken, Anniken Huitfeldt, Espen Grafitti, Wenke Anita Sele, Bengt Svensson, Bodil Røvik-Larsen Steinar Bryn, Reidun Haavik Nina Sandaker Wehn Katrine Legg Hauger  Eli Rudshagen  Mona Sprenger, Ninni Brede Rossavik, Rune Kreutz Richard Dion, Synnøve Nuria G Løken, Tulle Ruth, Gunn Møller, Hilde Salvesen, Jan-Kåre Fjeld, David Tehrani, Ambika Christen, Kjersti Okkelmo. Thank you !! Please share videre.Mvh; Helene Torp & Hege Liseth in Torp & Liseth All material found here:


Into The Sun

Into The Sun 06


Into The Sun

Hd, 33 min. sound, collaboration Helene Torp & Hege Liseth © 2015

Director, script and editing, sound: Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

About the film :

Into The Sun relating to metaphysics and the theory that every moment is a new reality.
This is a conversation between two artists where reality and fantasy merge . Explores concepts like infinity, freedom of titles and society as a miniature world.
The recordings are done first take and it is placed on an uncensored version in which it strongly alternates between intellect and emotions , abstractions and concrete reality where the artist represents the transition between the different realities and shift between them. Alchemy. Power to live in a modern world.

Om filmen:
Into The Sun relaterer seg til metafysikken og teorien om at hvert øyeblikk er en ny virkelighet.Dette er en samtale mellom to kunstnere hvor virkelighet og fantasi smelter sammen. Her utforskes begreper som uendelighet, frihet fra titler, samfunnet som en miniatyrverden.

Opptakene er gjort first take og det er lagt vekt på en usensurert versjon hvor det sterkt veksler mellom intellektet og følelser, abstraksjoner og konkret virkelighet hvor kunstneren representerer overgangen mellom de ulike virkelighetene og skiftet mellom de.

Language, norwegian.

English subtitles

The film is available for viewing on request.