Posts by Helene Torp

I Give Birth To Aliens

I Give Birth To Aliens Helene Torp ©

I Give Birth To Aliens
Helene Torp ©

Title: I Give Birth To Aliens

Under production 

Experimental animation by Helene Torp © Hd video, animation

A poetic and personal  journey on how the artist struggle and  play between worlds of politics, shamanism, family life and high and lows in moods and energy.  How to see the lager picture in everyday life and everyday life in the lager picture and utopia? Does life take care of itself?
First into the my cave…finding some deep digging stuff. A brainwash is needed. My head is full of all sorts of inspirations. I feels like I have during the last years, been on a spiritual journey into space? A heavy mental and spiritual one. I want to explore how this has affected me as a human being. Is it like being God?

More video art here!


Healers And Helpers

shaman-series-no-7  84 x 59 cm

Shaman series

Shaman series#,
acrylic on paper, 69 X 84 cm
To Those who act intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual, divining the hidden wisdom.

First I thought it was my demons,then they started to talk and said “We are healers and helpers of all kinds”. In darkness, in pain.

Power To Live In A Modern World

Flower Wisdom and Power To Live In a Modern World ©

Flower Wisdom and Power To Live In a Modern World by

Flower Wisdom and Power To Live In A Modern World 

a project by Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

Det er ulike måter naturen kan inspirere oss. Vi undersøker naturens kraft og hva den kan fortelle oss i vår moderne tid.

Prosjektet betår av flere deler – lyd, tekst, bilder, trær og remedier fra trær eller blomster. En del av dette prosjektet består av substans remedier. Vi har tatt utgangspunkt i ideer om naturens, spesielt trær og blomsters, immatrielle krefter og metafysiske dimensjon. Ideer som blant annet eksisterer hos ur-befolkning, i homeopatien, i blomstermedisinen og annen medisin. Vi behandler materialet kunstnerisk for å skape et intimt rom i samtale med naturen. Prosjektet adresserer spørsmål vedrørende miljø- og klima og økologi på en sjangeroverskridende og tverrfaglig måte. Vi ønsker å sette dagsorden gjennom å skape nye fortellinger i samtiden.

Hvert tre eller plante forteller ulike historier. Hittil har vi sett på hestekastanje og syrin, og videre vil vi ta for oss andre norske planter i nærmiljøet som vi har et forhold til. Prosjektet blir presentert som et eksperimentelt labratorium med lyd, tekst og bilder, fysiske planter og ulike remedier.

Arbeidet ble vist første gang i Oslo september 2014, med lyd, tekst, fotografier av prosessen og treet og en glassinstallasjon med blader, røtter og kastanjer fra treet. Dette prosjektet vokser med vært tre eller vekst som snakker til oss.

Nature is. Nature has often been used as an image of beingness, something beyond human control. A part of us are always plain physical matter ticking at its own pace, controlled from somewhere other than our conscious self. This project is all about nature’s relationship to us. Nature speaks to us and restore a balance that has been disturbed somewhere along the way.

The project consists of several media – audio, text, photos, trees and remedies from trees or plants. The audio works are created as a “stream of consciousness”, as the forces of nature talks through us. We create our own flower remedies which are part of the installation, and bring messages and strengthening powers from nature. The remedies are created from the recipe of Dr. Bach. Dr. Edward Bach was a British physical and spiritual writer who was inspired by homeopathy, and developed a system of flower medicine in the early 1900s.

Remedy no 1 is made from the flowers of white chestnut tree growing outside Helene’s house. It was first shown in Oslo in September 2014, with audio work, text, photographs of the tree and of the process and also a glass installation with leaves, roots and chestnuts from the tree. Remedy no 2 are from the lilac. It has not yet been exhibited. The lilac tells us a different story and support us in other ways than the white chestnut. This project grows with each tree or plant that speak to us.

Nature is. Nature has often been used as an image of beingness, something beyond human control. A part of us are always plain physical matter ticking at its own pace, controlled from somewhere other than our conscious self. This project is all about nature’s relationship to us. Nature speaks to us and restore a balance that has been disturbed somewhere along the way.

The project consists of several media – audio, text, photos, trees and remedies from trees or plants. The audio works are created as a “stream of consciousness”, as the forces of nature talks through us. We create our own flower remedies which are part of the installation, and bring messages and strengthening powers from nature. The remedies are created from the recipe of Dr. Bach. Dr. Edward Bach was a British physical and spiritual writer who was inspired by homeopathy, and developed a system of flower medicine in the early 1900s.

Remedy no 1 is made from the flowers of white chestnut tree growing outside Helene’s house. It was first shown in Oslo with audio work, text, photographs of the tree and of the process and also a glass installation with leaves, roots and chestnuts from the tree. Remedy no 2 are from the lilac.The lilac tells us a different story and support us in other ways than the white chestnut. This project grows with each tree or plant in my garden.

White Chestnut "Power To Live In A Modern World"

White Chestnut “Power To Live In A Modern World”©

White Chestnut" Power To Live In A Modern World"

White Chestnut “Power To Live In A Modern World”

Noisy Prayer exhibition view

Exhibition – Galleri Vulkan September 6-21

“Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world. The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various remedies that relate to each other in a playful way.

Power to live In a modern world, Almost There, Into The Sun, Entering With Sound, Sounds Of Mother Earth

Installation view:

Noisy Prayer exhibition view Exhibition in collaboration with Hege Liseth. Galleri Vulkan, Oslo

“Noisy Prayer” explores metaphysical realities with different approaches to a non-physical and spiritual world.

The exhibition includes paintings, drawings, photography, video, sound work and various. The alternation between individual works relate to each other in a playful way and reveal different parts of the story. The paintings and drawings, all performative elements and expression of the movement of energy. To activate and set things in motion are articulated in different ways. Organic, fluid and abstract elements mix with simple line configurations where fantasy and reality are put under the microscope. All are products of the intuitive processes, most first take. Sound work also appears as a “stream of consiousness” with conversations in nature and with energies and intangible forces. A collection of self-produced remedies blends into the installation with message of strength and power to live in a modern world. Through video works, both documentary and staged elements, of what spiritual practice might be. One of the videos are taken from YouTube and shows Mooji ,a spiritual leader based in Portugal, who shares his thoughts on the Middle East problem, on about war, peace and human identity. Do we fight for peace? Torp & Liseth invited various people to participate with their comments and dialogue on peace.

“Noisy Prayer” utforsker metafysiske virkelighetsbilder med ulike innfallsvinkler til en ikke-fysisk/ åndelig verden.

Vekslingen mellom enkeltverk i ulike kunstneriske media er montert på en leken måte som forteller hver sin del av historien. Maleriene og tegningene har alle performative elementer og uttrykk for bevegelse av energi. Å aktivere, og å sette ting i bevegelse blir tematisert på ulike måter. Avtrykk av fingre gir nærvær og tilstedeværelse. Organiske, flytende og abstrakte elementer blander seg med enkle strekfigurasjoner hvor fantasi og virkelighet blir satt under lupen. Alle er produkter av intuitive arbeidsprosesser, mest mulig uredigert, som energibærere i seg selv. Lydarbeidene fremstår også som en “stream of consiousness”, med samtaler med naturen og med energier og immatrielle krefter. En samling egenproduserte blomsteressenser blandes inn i installasjonen med budskap og styrkedråper fra naturen. Gjennom videoarbeidene vises dokumentariske og iscenesatte elementer av hva spirituell praksis kan innebære. Et av videoverkene er hentet fra YouTube og viser en åndelig guru som deler sine tanker om midtøsten-problematikken, om krig, fred og menneskets identitet. Verket blir brukt som utgangspunkt for en dialog hvor kunstnerne har invitert ulike mennesker til å delta med sine kommentarer.

View the singular works in the exhibition here:

Faith, Hope and Honesty © Helene Torp

Faith, Hope and Honesty © Helene Torp

Contact information

Helene Torp  mail: studio (at) helenetorp.com

mob: 0047 41656620