Posts tagged ‘Being god’

Being God

Title: Being God

An ongoing project

Being God is a series of videos about people who dive into the oceans of the mystic, climb mountains to see the “big” picture.  The films are both documentary and staged, beautiful, disturbing close-ups. This is our celebration of people who search for inner peace by taking back their own power in search for an honest and real life.
Being God
Hd video, 1 min pilot. skisse

Filmen er under produksjon i manus og research fase.
40 min. basert på film råmateriale, tegninger, lydopptak.
Teknikk: animasjon, dokumentariske og iscenesatte deler.
Being God handler om det moderne menneskets søken etter et meningsfullt liv. Dette er en reise til outsideren som veksler mellom opplysthet, psykoser og andre dimensjoner. Tar for seg viktige problemstillinger i forhold til psykisk sykdom i samfunnet og forskning på hjernen.
Basert på film råmateriale, tegninger, lydopptak.
Teknikk: animasjon, dokumentariske og iscenesatte deler.



Healers And Helpers Of All Kinds “Healers and helpers of all kinds” I go on a trip into space, In nature, I meet some animals or play with a world,In That world I can shape and move past, present and future. I do not know what’s true or not, honesty. Art is a way to survive, it gives me access to infinite space of conversations with the world. I want to awake a wonder or inspiration for you to live on earth too. Art is a kind of first aid kit and a medicine, It heals,but it does not cover up the wounds”

I update this web page continually. Contact me for available works.
