Posts tagged ‘shorfilfestival’

Public art

“LoveSplash LightLove”

Ink drawings, perplex frame. Torp & Liseth 2013

In relation to the exhibition Lovesplash Lightlove, we made a serie of round perplex mounted ink-drawings. We would like to have the opportunity to develop this “splash” of drawings for a specific site.

View the drawings for the exhibition HERE1461138_325629047579343_1244079976_n

“Endless Love“

Idea for wallpainting, Torp & Liseth 2013

Competition proposal for a hospital chapel / Konkurranse utkast for kapellet, Nytt sykehus Østfold.

View more HERE



Video animation, Oslo Central station, Helene Torp 2008

The film won the competition, “Privatlivets Fred” (Private Life), and was shown at Oslo Central station (Oct/Nov 2008), initiated by Koro (Public Art Norway), the Data Inspectorate and Rom for kunst Mesen.

View more HERE112a1307

Being God

Title: Being God

An ongoing project

Being God is a series of videos about people who dive into the oceans of the mystic, climb mountains to see the “big” picture.  The films are both documentary and staged, beautiful, disturbing close-ups. This is our celebration of people who search for inner peace by taking back their own power in search for an honest and real life.
Being God
Hd video, 1 min pilot. skisse

Filmen er under produksjon i manus og research fase.
40 min. basert på film råmateriale, tegninger, lydopptak.
Teknikk: animasjon, dokumentariske og iscenesatte deler.
Being God handler om det moderne menneskets søken etter et meningsfullt liv. Dette er en reise til outsideren som veksler mellom opplysthet, psykoser og andre dimensjoner. Tar for seg viktige problemstillinger i forhold til psykisk sykdom i samfunnet og forskning på hjernen.
Basert på film råmateriale, tegninger, lydopptak.
Teknikk: animasjon, dokumentariske og iscenesatte deler.


Faith, hope and honesty

FAITH, HOPE AND HONESTY Helene Torp © 2015

Faith, hope and honesty deals with love at a really high – and low – level. We meet Jens and Lena, who know the art of war. Primitive and highly complex conversations occur. when ego meets reality.It deals with power, knowledge and manners and a strong resentment, antipathy when the ego meets reality.

The artist received a diploma and an honorary mention for scriptwriting from the Writers’ Guild of Norway for the norwegian version at the Norwegian Short Film Festival. It exhibited at Galleri F-15 and the annual Autumn Exhibition, Kunstneres Hus, OsloThe film is 23 min. long and the most comprehensive work Torp has made ​​to date.

For the norwegian version Torp received a diploma and an honorable mention from the Norwegian Dramatiker (playwriter) assosiation for screenwriting at the Norwegian short film Festival.  Premiere was at Gallery F-15 and National annual exhibition. Supported by the norwegian artist´s compensation fund and Norwegian Council and Østfold county / municipality of Fredrikstad.

Faith, Hope and Honesty © 

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White Lies White Light

White Lights White Light, still image blue

White Lights White Light, still image blue

White Lies White Light
Experimental animation
HD 16:9, 2.30 min.
2d, mixed media, ink on paper, crayons.
My ego wants fear,prayers for the world.

To see this movie please contact me. More video art here!

Videodrunk Festival


Faith, Hope and Honesty © Helene Torp

Faith, Hope and Honesty © Helene Torp

Faith, hope and honesty (23. min. videoanimation) at the VideoDrunk festival i Toronto, Canada 2015
Read about and see my film here!

Video animation,  Oslo Central station, Helene Torp 2008
Friends (Venner) is a video animation consisting of simple drawings
and short everyday messages, where the content and form appear as a wonderful mix of public and private life. The artist examines how the abbreviated language of texts, Facebook and advertising infiltrates other communication. “Friends” walks a tightrope between
humour and an underlying serious message. In a world where a wrong keystroke can broadcast the most intimate details it is easy for the results to become confusing. The film is clever, playful and accessible. From the jury statmente. Curated by Rom for kunst

You Play Dead

You Play Dead


The film won the competition, “Privatlivets Fred” (Private Life),
and was shown at Oslo Central station (Oct/Nov 2008), initiated by Koro (Public Art Norway), the Data Inspectorate and Rom for kunst Mesen.

Jury: Georg Apenes, Datatilsynet, Trude Talberg-Furulund, Datatilsynet, Vibeke Christensen, Kulturbyrået Mesén, Ketil Nergaard, billedkunstner, oppnevnt av KORO, Yngvild Færøy, kunstnerisk konsulent og juryleder, oppnevnt av KORO


Collections from films

I Give Birth To Aliens Helene Torp ©

I Give Birth To Aliens
Helene Torp ©

1-1-2 Tuning In From The Galaxy

112 Tuning In From The Galaxy – gallery installation view. Collaboration with hege Liseth.
1-1-2 Tuning In From The Galaxy deals with spirituality, the power of thought and ” the seeker ” who sees the world in a rather different way than mainstream.

The work displays a series of portraits of a woman in a daily life situation. Her name is Kari Hanne Nyland and she is a channel for spiritual energy and masters. She tells us she has chosen to use her life to spread the light and love of the world and raise the spirit in the collective field.

The work also consists of five soundstations, each with its own headset, and channeled symbols and texts drawn directly on the wall.

Special thanks to Kari Hanne Nyland, Bengt Svensson and Rita Edvardsen for their contribution.

“Channeling … collective term for it to receive messages from another dimension or another real light level. Channeled message to be understood often as important knowledge transfers from beings with great insight into the factors that are hidden from ordinary people , especially to susceptible individuals. … The channeled knowledge can come from many sources … It may be knowledge from the Akashic Chronicle , a higher spiritual being or a deceased person ( spiritualism ). Messages can also come from guardian angels, entities in nature or the captain of a UFO. Kil – they are: Norwegian Encyclopedia, online edition.

Soundtrack: Lyshjelpere Fra En Annen Galakse 1:30 min (Helpers Of Light From Another Galaxy, for now the soundtrack is in Nourwegian only)

Channeling, sound & drawings: Kari Hanne Nyland[/bscolumns][bscolumns][/bscolumns]





Photo: Bengt Svensson