Posts from the ‘videoart’ category

Into The Sun

Into The Sun 06


Into The Sun

Hd, 33 min. sound, collaboration Helene Torp & Hege Liseth © 2015

Director, script and editing, sound: Helene Torp & Hege Liseth

About the film :

Into The Sun relating to metaphysics and the theory that every moment is a new reality.
This is a conversation between two artists where reality and fantasy merge . Explores concepts like infinity, freedom of titles and society as a miniature world.
The recordings are done first take and it is placed on an uncensored version in which it strongly alternates between intellect and emotions , abstractions and concrete reality where the artist represents the transition between the different realities and shift between them. Alchemy. Power to live in a modern world.

Om filmen:
Into The Sun relaterer seg til metafysikken og teorien om at hvert øyeblikk er en ny virkelighet.Dette er en samtale mellom to kunstnere hvor virkelighet og fantasi smelter sammen. Her utforskes begreper som uendelighet, frihet fra titler, samfunnet som en miniatyrverden.

Opptakene er gjort first take og det er lagt vekt på en usensurert versjon hvor det sterkt veksler mellom intellektet og følelser, abstraksjoner og konkret virkelighet hvor kunstneren representerer overgangen mellom de ulike virkelighetene og skiftet mellom de.

Language, norwegian.

English subtitles

The film is available for viewing on request.

Early works

Here is a collection of my early video works 1997-2001


Walk by Helene Torp ©

Walk by Helene Torp ©

Title: Walk
SD video, Helene Torp © 2000
A meditative walk and restless feelings. Where needs and wanting meets. Exhibited at Uks, Oslo, Norwegian filmfestival.





32 sec. Helene Torp ©

Title: 32 sec. Helene Torp © 2001
32. sec videoart. Soundtrack from a traditional norwegian chant meets forbinnen love. One of my early performative videos. First shown at Norwegian Shortfilm festival 2001 and gay and lesbian filmestival in Oslo. Review published in Z film magazine.



The Sun
5 min. Helene Torp © 2001
I had this idea about mixing traditional chanting (often of religious content) with an erotic play to see the contrast. I planned to make a series of this works after art school. Maybe I will refresh the norwegian moral traditions later on…



Applause © Helene Torp

Applause © Helene Torp

Title: Applause (for butterflies) © 1999 Helene Torp SD, b/h, mute, 3 min./loop. Premiere at Norwegian film festival year 2000. Stills and review published in Z film magazine.




Title: I Want To Share My Art With Mom. SD, Dual projection. © 2000 Portrait of my mother and I. I asked my mother to smile for 5 min. Can feelings changed from subtle to mechanic?      And what does it look like?

I will soon update with more videos from my early years.


Walk by Helene Torp ©

Walk by Helene Torp ©

Title: Walk

SD video, ©Helene Torp 2000

A meditative walk and restless feelings. Where needs and wanting meets.

Exhibited at Uks, Oslo, Norwegian filmfestival.

The Sun


The Sun

5 min. Helene Torp © 2001

I had this idea about mixing traditional chanting (often of religious content) with an erotic play to see the contrast.

I planned to make a series of this works after art school. Maybe I will refresh the norwegian moral traditions later on…

I Want To Share…


I Want To Share My Art With Mom


I Want To Share My Art With Mom

Title: I Want To SHare My Art With Mom.        SD, Dual projection. © 2000 Portrait of my mother and I. I asked my mother to smile for 5 min. to examine how feelings changed from subtle to mechanic.I also did this myself. I always had the feeling of a big contrast with inner and outer world. That is a great part of my work. Funny science lately have proved smiling actually make you feel better….7 min. loop.

32. sec


32 sec. Helene Torp ©

Title: 32 sec. Helene Torp ©

32. sec videoart. Soundtrack from a traditional norwegian chant meets forbinnen love. One of my early performative videos. First shown at Norwegian Shortfilm festival 2001 and gay and lesbian filmestival in Oslo.


1. Sexy, Sexy, Santa, Dog


Helene Torp and Anne Berntsen ©

Helene Torp and Anne Berntsen ©

15. min. Dv/Beta, to monitors synced.

About: Based on Anne´s knowledge about therapy called “Parsamtal”, we challenged each other asking brave questions and moving behind words to a deeper feeling of involvement, shame. I showed this as a part of a installation at my final year show. Screened at Trondheim Art Museum and Uks in Oslo. Curator: Lars Bang Larsen


Poisoner by Helene Torp ©

Poisoner by Helene Torp ©


Title: Poisoner by Helene Torp © 7 min. Performance video. Dual portrait. Speaking In tongues. One of my early performative works. The film is about how people can go from playing to become violent and evil against ourselves. The film explores genes, emotions and determination. Exploring a play which starts with a joke.

Exhibited at several film festivals and galleries.